Saturday, May 30, 2020

School Of Computer Science And Information Technology - 27500 Words

School Of Computer Science And Information Technology (Essay Sample) Content: center-598805DEDAN KIMATHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYSCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYPROJECT TITLE:E-CARE APPLICATIONMBOYA SAMUEL MUSILI C026-01-0648/2014.A Project Documentation Submitted to the Department of Computer science in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Science Degree in computer science.January, 2018.DECLARATION.I declare that this research project is my original work and that any references to publications has been clearly cited also affirm that this research project has not been presented in this university or any other university for the purpose of examination.Signed Date.SAMUEL MUSILI MBOYA.This is to confirm that the above student carried out the research project under my supervision.Signed..DateMr. Morris Kaburu.ABSTRACTThe health sector is a very vital system in todays world. However, there are a number of hindrances that face it when it comes to offering their services to the patients effectively. This system will offer an online platform that goes beyond these hindrances and offer solutions. The system will link caregivers with patients. The system will entail mainly the caregivers whereby there will be a profile of caregivers and ability to contact your caregiver of choice. In this case the caregiver can be health personnel or a good-hearted person in the community willing to help patients at a pay. The geo-location of the caregiver too will be catered for depending on the different counties we have. Every caregiver will have his or her specified payment rates on hourly basis but there will be a difference in day and night payments. There will also be the administrator sector where he/she can register and verify caregivers and is able to view the activities going on the system and jobs taken.DEDICATIONI dedicate this project to The Almighty God who has enabled me to come this far, to my family members for their love and support and to my friends for their assistance and encouragement in ens uring the completion and success of this project.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Morris Kaburu for his guidance and support throughout the course of my project. To my fellow colleagues who took their time to advice, encourage and assist me while doing my project, you are all deeply appreciated.Table of figuresTOC \c "Figure" Figure 1: Pie Chart . PAGEREF _Toc503925863 \h 23Figure 2: use-case diagram PAGEREF _Toc503925864 \h 24Figure 3: data flow diagram . PAGEREF _Toc503925865 \h 26Figure 4: context diagram PAGEREF _Toc503925866 \h 27Figure 5: Entity Relationship Diagram. PAGEREF _Toc503925867 \h 28Figure 6:flow chart diagram PAGEREF _Toc503925868 \h 29Figure 7: testing steps PAGEREF _Toc503925869 \h 31List of tables.TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: function al requirement table PAGEREF _Toc503930427 \h 20Table 2: Non-functional requirements PAGEREF _Toc503930428 \h 21Table 3: Respondents Table PAGEREF _Toc503930429 \h 21Table 4: Administrator login PAGEREF _ Toc503930430 \h 29Table 5: patient details PAGEREF _Toc503930431 \h 29Table 6:caregiver PAGEREF _Toc503930432 \h 29Table of contents.TOC \z \o "1-3" \u \hDECLARATION. PAGEREF _Toc509576476 \h 2ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc509576477 \h 3CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc509576478 \h 101.1 Background information PAGEREF _Toc509576479 \h 101.2 problem statement. PAGEREF _Toc509576480 \h 101.2 objectives. PAGEREF _Toc509576481 \h 111.2.1 Main objective. PAGEREF _Toc509576482 \h 111.2.3 Specific objectives. PAGEREF _Toc509576483 \h 111.3 Research questions. PAGEREF _Toc509576484 \h 111.4 Justification. PAGEREF _Toc509576485 \h 111.5 Scope. PAGEREF _Toc509576486 \h 12CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW. PAGEREF _Toc509576487 \h 122.1 Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc509576488 \h 122.2 CASE STUDIES. PAGEREF _Toc509576489 \h 132.2.1 Case study 1: Mayo Clinic PAGEREF _Toc509576490 \h 13(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc509576491 \h 132.2.2 Case study 2: WebMD for Android PAGEREF _Toc509576492 \h 14(WebMD, LLC, health and fitness 1994) PAGEREF _Toc509576493 \h 142.2.3 Case study 3: MedRep PAGEREF _Toc509576494 \h 14(Erfolg Life Sciences, 1997) PAGEREF _Toc509576495 \h 142.2.4 Case study 4: My ABC Clinic PAGEREF _Toc509576496 \h 152.3 Summary. PAGEREF _Toc509576497 \h 152.4 Research Gap. PAGEREF _Toc509576498 \h 16CHAPTER THREE. PAGEREF _Toc509576499 \h 16Methodology. PAGEREF _Toc509576500 \h 163.1 Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc509576501 \h 163.2 Fact finding techniques. PAGEREF _Toc509576502 \h 173.3 System Development Procedures. PAGEREF _Toc509576503 \h 18CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. PAGEREF _Toc509576504 \h 214.1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc509576505 \h 214.1.1 Feasibility studies PAGEREF _Toc509576506 \h Technical feasibility PAGEREF _Toc509576507 \h Operational feasibility PAGEREF _Toc509576508 \h Social feasibility PAGEREF _Toc509576509 \h 214.2 Requirements Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc509576510 \h 22User requirement s. PAGEREF _Toc509576511 \h 224.2.1 Functional Requirements. PAGEREF _Toc509576512 \h 224.2.2 Non-functional requirements PAGEREF _Toc509576513 \h 234.3 Data analysis. PAGEREF _Toc509576514 \h 244.4 System analysis PAGEREF _Toc509576515 \h 26use case diagram. PAGEREF _Toc509576516 \h 26CHAPTER FIVE: EVALUATION AND TESTING PAGEREF _Toc509576517 \h 345.1 Testing Strategies PAGEREF _Toc509576518 \h 345.1.1 Type of testing PAGEREF _Toc509576519 \h 345.2 Module Testing PAGEREF _Toc509576520 \h 35CHAPTER SIX: IMPLEMENTATION AND DEPLOYMENT PAGEREF _Toc509576521 \h 386.0 Implementation Overview. PAGEREF _Toc509576522 \h 386.0.1 Installation. PAGEREF _Toc509576523 \h 386.0.2 Training and orientation. PAGEREF _Toc509576524 \h 386.0.3 Maintenance. PAGEREF _Toc509576525 \h 396.0.4 Evaluation. PAGEREF _Toc509576526 \h 39CHAPTER SEVEN: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION PAGEREF _Toc509576527 \h 397.1 Discussions PAGEREF _Toc509576528 \h 397.2 Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc509576529 \h 397.3 Limitations PAGEREF _Toc509576530 \h 407.4 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc509576531 \h 40References PAGEREF _Toc509576532 \h 41APPENDICES. PAGEREF _Toc509576533 \h 42Appendix 1:Sample Interview Questions PAGEREF _Toc509576534 \h 42Appendix 2: questionnaire. PAGEREF _Toc509576535 \h 43Appendix 3: code snippets PAGEREF _Toc509576536 \h 46CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background informationAs interest in improving the wellbeing and health of people all over the world, many systems are being integrated into the health world to improve service delivery in this particular sector. Medical service and good health care all over the world is a very crucial necessity to the society. This is due to the nature of need for medical treatment in the event of an illness. Despite a lot of effort put in place by the government, more diseases are emerging day by day. This would make it difficult for the government to reach its health target as per the millennium goals. This need of this great service has resulted to emerge nce of numerous private and public hospitals, medical centers as well as dispensaries (a community based one). Hence, with an online system (E-care) it is guaranteed that many people will be reached at a lesser cost. This would make health providers more effective and efficient therefore playing a big part in achieving the set goals in the health sector and guarantees or else gives an assurance of meeting them earlier or in time.Being able to securely capture and store the patients information in an application, the system will go further in ensuring that there is ease in accessing the information when needs comes without constraints. This will help enhance information validity and consistency which is very crucial in any information system and consequently help in monitoring on how the adhere to their medication and contacting individuals who may have missed their medication in accordance to the way it has been prescribed. This online platform will aid the patients in saving their time and money by visiting the clinic therefore finding long queues and failing to be served. This online platform helps them contact the caregivers and pick on a date for appointment with them at a specified time and date. Also the E-care will aid the patients contact the caregivers twenty four hours a day and seven days a week whenever there is an emergency and will get help immediately.1.2 problem statement.The absence of a well-established information system to link the caregivers with the patients has led to inconveniences in delivering service to patients. This has also led to the loss of patient and caregiver records. This platform will link the caregivers, whereby in this case the caregiver is a good-hearted person who can care for the patients at their premises at a pay on hourly basis. The caregiver in this case will be registered by the administrator whereby he/she must have a certification identity. This platform will also aid in capturing all patients health records and the caregivers (staff) records.The main challenges that this platform is solving for the patients are: Resources and time wastage such as costs of travel to hospital and bills paid by in-patients. Inaccessibility to t...

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